Breaking Taboos: A Journey Through Unexplored Conversations with Illustrator Hazel Mead



Join us for a thought-provoking talk and interactive workshop led by acclaimed illustrator Hazel Mead, as she invites us to explore taboo subjects through the lens of her debut book, "Why Aren't We Talking About This?" Drawing from her extensive experience in commercial art across publishing, advertising, and branding, Hazel will use her diverse and poignant artwork to shed light on topics often shrouded in silence. 

During the talk, Hazel will challenge societal norms and encourage open dialogue about subjects that are rarely discussed, fostering a safe and inclusive space for participants to share their thoughts and experiences. Through her insightful commentary and powerful visuals, she will inspire empathy and understanding, inviting us to look at each other with compassion and empathy. 

Participants will also engage in an interactive experience designing greetings cards for taboo subjects. From celebrating milestones like getting your first period to acknowledging achievements like getting a coil fitted, the task will encourage participants to reimagine the concept of celebration and support in unconventional ways. 

 By the end of the workshop, participants will not only have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of breaking taboos and fostering empathy but will also leave with tangible creations that challenge societal norms and spark meaningful conversations. 

Don't miss this chance to be a part of a transformative experience with illustrator Hazel Mead, as we explore the power of art and conversation to drive social change and promote inclusivity. 

Location: Motivate Arts Tent

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Hazel Mead

Illustrator Hazel Mead uses her diverse, poignant art to discuss topics not explored enough, while inviting us all to look at each other with empathy. She works commercially across publishing, advertising, branding, and mural painting. Hazel’s debut book ‘Why Aren’t We Talking About This?!’ - An Inclusive Illustrated Guide to Life in 100+ Questions, was released by Squarepeg, Penguin this year.